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Childrens Home Manager

Permanent Contract

This is a great role and opportunity to shape and change the lives of children with intellectual disabilities and/or autism. To ensure they feel safe and cared for in a loving home from home family environment. We are looking for someone to be the catalyst of the home, utilising the support of the wider Above and Beyond Care Group to develop and inspire our team and children to achieve their full potential.

At Above and Beyond Care Devon, we are dedicated to enhancing the children and young people’s life opportunities within our homes and celebrating uniqueness and diversity. We need an inspiring manager who will lead the team and use their experience and innovation to plan activities and create those incredible life ambitions for every young person, considering everyone’s needs.

The Children’s Home Manager must be highly motivated and have vital leadership, decision-making, multitasking and communication skills. They are responsible for overseeing the home’s functions and must ensure that the organisation effectively meets its strategic goals. They must do so through efficient use of all available resources and personnel. This post is most associated with healthcare and social work.

The Children’s Home Manager will have several responsibilities within the company daily. The Registered Manager must fulfil their employment contracts. To enable this, the company must ensure its Manager receives fair and appropriate treatment.

The Manager has a personal responsibility to care for all employees and must have the ability to recognise everyone’s needs.

The Manager will be expected to work 40 hours a week, supervise team members, and perform various ad hoc duties.

Learn more about our Childrens Home Manager Jobs in Wolverhampton Below:

  • To manage the home and promote and make provisions for the young people’s welfare referred by placing authorities and accommodated within Above and Beyond Care Devon Children’s home’s
  • To ensure systems are developed and are in place to monitor and adhere to the care standards regularly
  • To provide supervision and support for all team members to ensure high standards of professional care and practice based on the young person’s individual needs
  • Plan and implement programmes of care and activities for individual young people by collaborating with other professional colleagues (schools, the team, social workers and other multi-agency professionals), maintaining a close liaison with all
  • Ensure the allocation of team duties is clearly outlined and adhered to
  • Safer Recruitment of staff members, providing team support and mentoring of employees through the induction process and continued employment
  • Organise staff training when required in-house and externally and monitor each team member’s personal and professional development
  • Maintaining reports and records regarding each child, monitoring their progress, attending relevant meetings, care reviews, parents’ evenings, etc. and making appropriate referrals to other agencies should they be needed
  • Ensure that all medications are safely stored and controlled, and administered as prescribed by each Young Person’s general practitioner and or Paediatrician
  • Checking for correct implementation of safety procedures
  • Support the young people to develop and maintain relationships with the team, family and friends through consultation
  • Ensure all relevant documentation is completed, accurate and monitored
  • Continue with your professional development and undertake training relevant to the role of the Manager
  • Practice effective leadership of the home operations and care team to ensure the home is organised, managed and staffed in a manner that delivers the best possible care
  • Ensure that staffing levels are adequate to meet the Statement of Purpose and the staffing is evaluated in practice to meet the needs of the children accommodated
  • Ensure that all newly appointed team members (agency, temporary, volunteer, and students) are inducted thoroughly following the organisation’s induction process. Ensure that a current DBS is in place for each team member (schedule two checks are completed)
  • The Manager must ensure all team members are clear about accountability and reporting concerns and the procedures to be followed concerning emergencies, health and safety, child protection and notification of incidents, including abuse, fire evacuation procedures and regulations
  • Regularly update the Responsible Individual with regular reports and updates on the home’s operation
  • Carry out duties in compliance with the company’s Equal Opportunities Policy, Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and subsequent Health and Safety legislation
  • Maintain good order in the home by ensuring all house equipment and furniture are kept in good condition and that any defective furniture/equipment is reported to your line manager
  • Report issues of any service needs, whatever the nature, which, directly or indirectly, affects the organisation

As a term of your employment, you may be required to undertake such other duties as commensurate with your grade and/or hours of work as may reasonably be required of you

You may be required to, Attend Company Management meetings, attend reviews or panel meetings, Chair staff meetings, work shifts on a staffing rota including weekends, and cover special events such as holidays

Key responsibilities:

  • Being approachable
  • Being ambitious
  • Being an excellent leader
  • Being able to communicate and listen efficiently
  • Being motivated
  • Being able to manage teams
  • Resolving problems
  • Leadership
  • Making smart decisions
  • Delegating responsibilities
  • Being thorough
  • Conflict management
  • Being discrete
  • Coaching
  • Multitasking
  • Being amicable